Top off your Witchy Halloween costume with this easy pointy witch hat. We used true millinery techniques to create a beautiful hat that you will treasure for many years to come!
- Black Silk Dupioni (hat exterior)
- Green Silk Dupioni (bias band and bow)
- Black Felt (hat underlining and lining). We used wool felt from our stash, but any craft felt will do as well!
- Buckram
- Millinery Wire
- Silamide Thread
- Millinery elastic
Step-by-Step Instructions
Create the pattern pieces
Work out the pattern pieces on paper first, and try them on your head to make sure you like the size and shape. Instead of working with pre-determined measurements, we found it easiest (and more fun!) to play around with paper shapes and try them on as we were working.
- Create a circle for the Hat Brim. We made ours 18 inches across with a 6″ diameter center hole. Add a seam allowance to the pattern to the inner circumference of the center hole.
- Create the Hat Cone pattern by rolling pattern paper into a cone of your desired height (we made ours 15″ tall) until the lower opening of the cone is the right size to fit the center hole. Connect the two long side edges with a lower curved edge. It should look like a slice of pie!
- Once you have your pattern pieces, remember to add seam allowances to all edges.
Cut the following:
- 2 buckram, 2 felt for the brim (remove the seam allowance along outer circumference)
- 2 black dupioni for the brim
- 1 black dupioni, 1 buckram, 1 felt for the cone. *Cut the black dupioni 2 inches longer at the lower edge than the buckram and felt.
- 1 length green dupioni measuring approximately 5 inches wide by 2 yards long, cut on the bias, for the bias band and bow. Piece together if needed.
Sewing the Hat
- After removing the outer circumference seam allowance, baste the two buckram brims together using a zigzag stitch. Clip the crown inner seam allowance all the way to the stitch line.
- Using a zigzag stitch, sew the millinery wire to the outer circumference of the buckram brim, right at the edge.
- Overlap the long seam of the buckram cone, making sure to fade to a point at the top. Stitch by hand using silamide thread.
- Baste felt onto top and bottom of buckram brim, sandwiching the buckram inside. This will cushion the outer fabric, preventing the buckram texture from showing through.
- Pin black dupioni brims RS together and stitch along the outer circumference. Trim outer seam allowance and turn RS out. Press. Clip into crown seam allowance every ½ inch.
- Roll up the buckram-and-felt brim and insert it between the layers of dupioni (this takes a little finessing!). Wiggle it to make sure it is sitting flat. Tack the dupioni to the buckram clips to secure.
- Underline cone: baste black dupioni cone to one felt cone, so the felt is an underlining for the dupioni.
- Sew cone seam: pin underlined cone RS together along the long edge. Stitch, fading to as little seam allowance as possible at the point. Press open the seam allowance. Repeat for the remaining black felt cone.
- Turn the black dupioni cone RS out. Place buckram cone inside dupioni cone and stitch through all layers by hand with silamide thread at lower edge.
- Attach the cone to the brim: turn any excess fabric at the base of the cone to the inside of the cone. Fold up clipped tabs on inner brim and place cone on top of brim. Stitch through all layers with silamide thread, stitching around the base of the cone and attaching it to the clipped tabs. Go around twice if necessary to secure brim to cone.
- Place black felt cone inside buckram cone as a lining.
- Make the tie: Fold green dupioni in half lengthwise, RS together, and stitch along long edge. Trim seam allowance and turn RS out. Press. Cut off 6 inches of the bias tie and set aside to be used for the knot.
- Create the center “knot:” Pin green dupioni tie around base of cone, crossing at the base with ends hanging off. Pin the 6 inch green dupioni tab in place to cover the point where the band crosses. Stitch by hand into place. Trim ends of green dupioni band on an angle at the desired length.
- Sew elastic into hat: hand stitch ends of elastic to inside of hat.
Enjoy your beautiful new witch hat!