Halloween Extravaganza Day 1: Waspie Corset Belt

Woman in a Haunted Mansion inspired corset

Happy October, glamour ghouls! I’ve been dying to bring you the launch of our first ever Charm Halloween Extravaganza –– that’s thirteen days of sweet and spooky sewing delights. Check back here regularly for your daily trick… or treat!

We’re kicking off with our Waspie Corset Belt, this month’s Patreon exclusive pattern. It’s just perfect for any number of costumes–– think Princess Aurora, Mrs. Lovett, Wonder Woman, and more. We couldn’t resist a Disney-goes-dark feel, and created this swashbuckling Pirates of the Caribbean inspired look for Gigi.

Woman in a pirate inspired corset
Pirates of the Carribean inspired DIY Halloween Costume

I styled myself after the Haunted Mansion Tightrope Walker. Something about her dead stare is just so…enchanting.

Haunted Mansion inspired Tightrope Walker costume

Not in the Halloween mood? It’s just perfect as a statement piece over clothing, or a lovely addition to your boudoir. Also try it as a cincher underneath your vintage-style wardrobe!

Woman in a purple wasp corset



Photo credits: Lucy La Riot