Barbie Bow Pattern & Tutorial

Barbara Bow sewing pattern tutorial


To celebrate the release of the Barbie movie, we’ve created this beautiful hair bow for you! It’s the perfect companion for your pink gingham Barbara Millicent dress (using the recently released Barbara Bodice and Millicent Skirt).

This is a bias-cut hair bow with curved ends, attached to a metal hair clip or comb. You can also attach it to a pin to use it as a broach or purse decoration. The possibilities are endless!



1. Bow
Cut 1 fabric, 1 tulle

2. Knot
Cut 1 fabric


Barbie Bow supplies for the sewing tutorial


NOTE: ⅝-inch (in) (1.5 cm) seam allowances are included on all pattern pieces.


  1. Underline the bow: pin the Bow (1) tulle to main fabric, WS together. Baste, using ½-in (1.3 cm) seam allowance and either a hand-sewn basting stitch or a long (5 mm) stitch on your sewing machine. Treat as one.
  1. Prepare bow: fold bow in half lengthwise, right sides (RS) together, and pin. Stitch, leaving an opening about 3 in (7.6 cm) wide at the center of the bow. Grade the seams and notch the seam allowances every ½ in (1.3 cm) around the curves. Turn RS out and press flat. Arrange the bow into your preferred shape and pin at the center to hold it into place.
    Barbie Bow tutorial step 2
  2. Prepare the knot: fold the Knot (2) in half, RS together, and pin the long edge. Stitch. Press seam allowances open. Turn RS out. Arrange the stitched seam so it is in the center of the knot and press flat. Press one short edge of the knot ⅝ in (1.5 cm) to the wrong side (the inside of the knot tube).
    Barbie Bow Tutorial Step 3
    Barbie Bow tutorial showing knot.
  1. Finish bow: wrap the knot around the center of the bow, hiding the knot’s center seamline and tucking the unpressed raw edge of the knot inside the pressed edge. Slipstitch closed by hand. Handstitch bow to hair clip or hair comb to secure.Barbie Bow finished with hair clip

Enjoy your cute new Barbie Hair Bow!